Tuesday 5 March 2013

For all incomplete blogs

All blogs MUST be complete and looking like the examples, they must include (page post):

  1. Research
  2. Audience profile (who will read your magazine)
  3. Plans, sketches, images, shot plans
  4. Test shots or shots that you did not use
  5. Double page spread draft
  6. Front cover draft
  7. Contents page draft
  8. Schedule (week by week account of completed work)
  9. Font cover final
  10. Contents final
  11. Double page spread final
  12. Evaluation

MAKE SURE THAT YOUR BLOG LOOKS PRESENTABLE (aesthetically pleasing), easy to read (colour), that the background fits the genre of your magazine or film opening. It is essential that you make it clear and easy to read as you will be marked from this.